Our Pastors


Pastors Marc and Monica Poland had dreamed of planting a church with a simple goal—to help people connect with God so that they might reach their full potential.  It has always been their core belief that God has a unique plan and purpose for every person that He wants them to discover and live out.

In early 2012, while serving on the Pioneering and Teaching Teams of The Perfecting Church (SNJ), Pastor Marc felt a clear call to plant Discover Church back home in the Philadelphia area.  Marc and Monica went through extensive training through the Association of Related Churches (ARC) and began the journey to plant Discover Church.  With the help of 80 incredibly passionate people we are excited to launch Discover Church on March 1, 2020.

Pastors Marc and Monica are both gifted communicators and teachers who are focused on reaching those who do not know God personally. They believe the life-giving message of the Gospel, the passion and joy of Sunday services, and the simple style of how they communicate can be a breath of fresh air for those who hear.

Pastors Marc and Monica would like to invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is simple and people are free to seek God with passion.